PC World Komputer 2010 April
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Ubuntu 9.10 PL
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248 lines
# -*- perl -*-
# Foomatic printer XML file generator to get XML files corresponding
# to manufacturer-supplied PostScript PPDs (or also PPDs from driver
# packages).
use Foomatic::Defaults;
use Foomatic::DB;
use Getopt::Std;
use Data::Dumper;
#use strict;
my $debug = 0;
# Program name
$0 =~ m!/([^/]+)\s*$!;
my $progname = ($1 || $0);
help() if !@ARGV;
#my ($opt_h, $opt_d, $opt_p, $opt_A, $opt_P, $opt_w);
help() if $opt_h;
my $drivers = $opt_d;
my $rdriver = $opt_r;
my $pdls = $opt_p;
my $ppdlink = $opt_l;
my $basedir = $opt_b;
my $destdir = $opt_f;
my $nomod = $opt_n;
$ppdfile = $ARGV[0];
if ($ppdlink && !$drivers) {
$ppdlink = 0;
warn("WARNING: \"-l\" set without supplying a driver via \"-d\". No PPD file links will get created!\n");
my $ppddlpath;
if ($basedir) {
$basedir =~ s:/+$::;
if (! -d $basedir) {
die ("PPD base directory $basedir does not exist!\n");
if (! -r $ppdfile) {
$ppddlpath = $ppdfile;
$ppdfile = $basedir . "/" . $ppdfile;
if (! -r $ppdfile) {
die ("Given PPD file not found, neither as $ppddlpath nor as $ppdfile!\n");
} else {
$ppdfile =~ m:$basedir/(.*)$:;
$ppddlpath = $1;
} else {
if (! -r $ppdfile) {
die ("Given PPD file $ppdfile not found!\n");
$ppddlpath = $ppdfile;
my $parameters = {
($drivers ? ('drivers' => [split(',', $drivers)]) : ()),
($rdriver ? ('recommendeddriver' => $rdriver) : ()),
($pdls ? ('pdls' => [split(',', $pdls)]) : ()),
($ppdlink ? ('ppdlink' => 1) : ()),
($basedir ? ('basedir' => $basedir) : ()),
my $db = Foomatic::DB->new();
my $dat = ppdtoperl($ppdfile, $parameters);
my @existing = $db->find_printer("$dat->{'make'}|$dat->{'model'}", 4, 1);
foreach my $product (@{$dat->{ppdproduct}}) {
my @pids = $db->find_printer("$dat->{'make'}|$product", 4, 1);
grep {
!Foomatic::DB::member($_, @existing);
} @pids);
grep {
!Foomatic::DB::member($_, @existing);
} map {
m:^(.*)\.xml$:; $1;
} map {
m:([^/]+)$:; $1;
} split(/\n/s,
`find $libdir/db/source/printer -name "*.xml" -print0 | xargs -0 grep -l $ppddlpath`));
my $entryfound = 0;
foreach my $entry (@existing) {
my $d = $db->get_printer($entry);
my $result;
next if $d->{'noxmlentry'};
$entryfound = 1;
last if $nomod;
$db->{'dat'} = $d;
if (!defined($parameters->{'drivers'})) {
$parameters->{'drivers'} = [$dat->{'driver'}];
if (!defined($parameters->{'pdls'})) {
$parameters->{'pdls'} = [split(',', $dat->{'general_cmd'})];
} else {
push(@{$parameters->{'pdls'}}, split(',', $dat->{'general_cmd'}));
Foomatic::DB::apply_driver_and_pdl_info($db->{'dat'}, $parameters);
$db->{'dat'}{'general_ieee'} = $dat->{'general_ieee'} if
defined($dat->{'general_ieee'}) &&
$db->{'dat'}{'general_mfg'} = $dat->{'general_mfg'} if
defined($dat->{'general_mfg'}) &&
$db->{'dat'}{'general_mdl'} = $dat->{'general_mdl'} if
defined($dat->{'general_mdl'}) &&
$db->{'dat'}{'general_des'} = $dat->{'general_des'} if
defined($dat->{'general_des'}) &&
$db->{'dat'}{'general_cmd'} = $dat->{'general_cmd'} if
defined($dat->{'general_cmd'}) &&
$db->{'dat'}{'comment'} .= "\n <p>\n\n" . $dat->{'comment'};
my $xml1 = $db->perltoxml('p');
my $xml2 = $db->get_printer_xml($entry);
$xml2 =~ s/(<\/functionality>)/$1\n <driver><\/driver>/s if
$xml2 !~ /<driver>/;
$xml2 = transferregexp($xml1, $xml2,
$xml2 =~ s/(<\/driver>)/$1\n <drivers>\n <\/drivers>/s if
$xml2 !~ /<drivers>/;
$xml2 = transferregexp($xml1, $xml2,
$xml2 =~ s/(<\/(mechanism|url)>)/$1\n <lang>\n <\/lang>/s if
$xml2 !~ /<lang>/;
$xml2 = transferregexp($xml1, $xml2,
$xml2 =~ s/(<\/lang>)/$1\n <autodetect>\n <\/autodetect>/s if
$xml2 !~ /<autodetect>/;
$xml2 =~ s/(<autodetect>)/$1\n <general>\n <\/general>/s if
$xml2 !~ /<autodetect>[\s\n\r]*<general>/s;
$xml2 = transferregexp($xml1, $xml2,
$xml2 = transferregexp($xml1, $xml2,
$result = $xml2;
print "Modifying printer entry $db->{'dat'}{'id'}.xml ...\n";
open FILE, "> " . ($destdir ? $destdir . "/" : ()) .
$db->{'dat'}{'id'} . ".xml" or
die "Cannot write file $db->{'dat'}{'id'}.xml!\n";
print FILE $result;
close FILE;
if (!$entryfound) {
$db->{'dat'} = $dat;
$db->{'dat'}{'comment'} =
" This database entry was automatically generated\n" .
" from the PPD file for this printer.<p>\n\n" .
$db->{'dat'}{'functionality'} = "A";
foreach my $product (@{$db->{'dat'}{ppdproduct}}) {
$db->{'dat'}{'model'} =
if scalar(@{$db->{'dat'}{ppdproduct}}) > 1;
$db->{'dat'}{'model'} =~ s/^$db->{'dat'}{'make'}\s*//i;
$db->{'dat'}{'id'} =
if (scalar(@{$db->{'dat'}{ppdproduct}}) > 1) {
$db->{'dat'}{'general_mfg'} = $db->{'dat'}{'ppdmanufacturer'} if
$db->{'dat'}{'ppdmanufacturer'} &&
$db->{'dat'}{'general_mdl'} = $product;
$db->{'dat'}{'general_ieee'} = "MFG:" .
$db->{'dat'}{'general_mfg'} .
";MDL:" . $db->{'dat'}{'general_mdl'} . ";" .
($db->{'dat'}{'general_cmd'} ?
"CMD:" . $db->{'dat'}{'general_cmd'} . ";" : "");
$result = $db->perltoxml('p');
print "Creating new printer entry $db->{'dat'}{'id'}.xml ...\n";
open FILE, "> " . ($destdir ? $destdir . "/" : ()) .
$db->{'dat'}{'id'} . ".xml" or
die "Cannot write file $db->{'dat'}{'id'}.xml!\n";
print FILE $result;
close FILE;
exit 0;
sub transferregexp {
my ($src, $dest, $regexp) = @_;
# This function copies the text fraction matching $regexp out of
# the first string, cuts the piece of the second matching $regexp
# out of the second string and replaces it by the piece copied
# from the first string. This is mainly for transfering XML
# sections from one XML file to another (strings can be
# multi-line) without needing to rewrite the unaffected parts of
# the XML file.
$src =~ m/($regexp)/s;
my $totransfer = $1;
$dest =~ s/$regexp/$totransfer/s if $totransfer;
return $dest;
sub help {
print <<HELP;
$progname <options> <ppdfile>
$progname -h
<ppdfile> : PPD file for which a printer XML file should be created
-d <drivers> : Comma-separated list of drivers with which the printer
works. First driver is the one for which the PPD file is.
If not otherwise stated by the "-r" options, this is also
the recommended driver.
-r <driver> : Recommended driver. Supply this option to specify another
driver than the driver from the PPD/the first one from the
"-d" argument as the recommended driver.
-p <pdls> : Comma-separated list of known Page Description Languages
(PDLs) which the printer supports. This will add all
suitable drivers to the XML entry. Currently supported are:
Postscript, PCLXL, PCL6, PCL5e, PCL5c, PCL5, and PCL4.
-l : Add a link to the PPD file to the driver entry in the
XML file.
-b <directory> : Base directory for a relative link to the PPD. If the
base directory is given, the link set via the -l option
is relative to this directory (and not relative to the
current directory). With a base directory given the
<ppdfile> can also be given relative to this directory.
-f <directory> : Directory where the resulting XML file to write to. The
name of the file will be the printer ID with the ".xml"
-n : Do not write modified versions of existing XML files,
only create XML files for printer for which there is no
XML file yet.
-h : show help information
exit 1;